


¨ó¿ì³æ¦ì: °ê¥ß²MµØ¤j¾Ç ¤u·~¤uµ{»P¤uµ{ºÞ²z¨t


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12/14(¤­) 9:00~16:00









¡iSystematic Innovation: past/present/future and how companies can use TRIZ to greatly enhance their competitiveness.¡jµÑ«ä¬ã°Q¤j·|¤¤

¤j®vDarrell MannºtÁ¿







¡iTRIZ-Workshop I: ¨t²Î©Ê³Ð·s¤èªk:¬ð¯}©Ê²£«~»P»sµ{³Ð·s¯µ³Z¡j

¤j®vDarrell MannÁ¿±Â


12/20(¥|) 8:00~17:00




¡iTRIZ-Workshop 2


¤j®vDarrell MannÁ¿±Â





¡iResearch status,topics, and directions in Systematic Innovation¡j

¤j®vDarrell MannºtÁ¿

Á¿®v¤¶²Ð:       TRIZ³Ð·s¤j®v¢wDarrell Mann

Darrell Mann


Managing Director, Ideal Final Result Consultants & Systematic Innovation Ltd


²          1997 -2002 Industrial Fellow, University of Bath

²         1986-1987 MSc Gas Turbine Technology, Cranfield Institute Of Technology

²         1981-1984 BSc Hons First Class, Mechanical Engineering ,The University Of Nottingham


²         Founding President of the European TRIZ Association (¼Ú¬wµÑ«ä¾Ç·|³Ð·| ²z¨Æªø)

²         Founder of innovation consultancy company(1996) ¨´¤µ»²¾É24­Ó¥H¤W°ê®aªñ¦Ê®a¤½¥q

²          Director of IFR Software Systems Sdn Bhd, 40-person India/Malaysia-based organization

²         15 years(1980 ¡V 1996) working at Rolls-Royce plc, Leavesden, Watford in various long-term R&D related positions¡Band ultimately becoming responsible for the company¡¦s long term future engine strategy.


²         Recognized world expert in field of gas-turbine engine protection, and systematic innovation methods.

²         Teaching TRIZ and related methods to both technical and business audiences since 1998. Has given workshops to over 3000 delegates across a broad spectrum of industries and disciplines.

²         Over 400 patents, patent applications and academic and popular journal papers on systematic innovation. ·í«e¥@¤WµÑ«ä¨t²Î©Ê³Ð·s»â°ì¹ê°È¸gÅç³ÌÂ×´I¥B³Ì¦³¦¨®Ä¤§¾ÇªÌ¡C


²         Marquis ¡¥Who¡¦s Who In Science And Technology¡¦, 2006.

²         Marquis ¡¥Who¡¦s Who In The World¡¦, 2005.

²         Best paper award ¡V European Association of Creativity & Innovation, Enschede, 2002.

²         Innovative Teaching Award ¡V University of Bath

²         DTI SMART Award ¡V Semantic Processor, 2001

²         DTI SMART Award ¡V Ultra-Low Water Consumption Toilet, 1998

²         Royal Aeronautical Society, Sir Roy Fedden Award, 1991

²         The Worshipful Company Of Fan Makers' Prize In Fluid Engineering, 1988

²         Rolls-Royce Apprentice Award For Academic Achievement, 1986

²         The Collier Prize For Mathematics, 1980

²         The Metal Box Engineering Award, 1980

±M®Ñ: (8 Books in TRIZ area)

²         The Innovation Blueprint (2007);  Hands-On Systematic Innovation ¡V Case Studies (2006); More Natural Innovation (2007); TRIZ For Software Engineers (2006); Hands-On Systematic Innovation For Business And Management (2004); Matrix 2003: Updating The TRIZ Contradiction Matrix (2003); TRIZ Companion (2002); Hands-On Systematic Innovation (2002).

´Á¥Z½×¤å: (Papers) Over 80 papers can be found at www.triz-journal.com


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ºaÅA¡G°ê»Ú»s³y¤uµ{¾Ç·| °ê»Ú¥\¾±¼ú (2004¦~)

      ±Ð¨|³¡90¦~«×²£¾Ç¦X§@¼ú (2002¦~)

      °ê»Ú»s³y¤uµ{¾Ç·|¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¤À·| ³Ç¥XªA°È¼ú (2000 & 2002¦~)

      °ê»Ú´Á¥Z½s¿è©e­ûEditorial Board: Computer & Industrial Engineering (SCI indexed)



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9:00-12:00; 13:00-16:00




Introduction to TRIZ


n      µÑ«ä·§Æ[ (History, background & what is TRIZ)

n      µÑ«ä¤u§@­ì²z (TRIZ overview & its working principles)

n      µÑ«äÀ³¥Î»â°ì»P¦¨¥\¨Ò¤l (TRIZ Application areas & success stories)

n      µÑ«ä»P³Ð·sµo©úªº¼h¦¸ (TRIZ & Levels of innovations)

n      TRIZ ª¾ÃÑÅé¨t¾ÉÄý (Briefing of TRIZ Body of Knowledge)

-          ²z·Q©Ê (Ideality) & ²z·Q³Ì¨Îµ²ªG (Ideal Final Result)

-          ¥\¯àÄݩʤÀªR (Function Attribute Analysis)

-          ¥Ù¬Þ¯x°}»Pµo©ú­ì«h(Contradiction Matrix & Invention Principles)

-          ª«²z½Ä¬ð»P¤ÀÂ÷­ì«h(Physical Contradictions & Separation Principles)

-          ½è³õ¤ÀªR»Pµo©ú¼Ð·Ç¸Ñ (Su-Field & Inventive Standards)

-          ³Ð·sµo©úªºÁÍ¶Õ (¬ì§Þ¨t²Îºt¤Æ»P²z·Q¤Æ) (Evolution patterns)

-          ¬ì§Þª¾ÃÑ®w

-          ¶Ç²ÎµÑ«ä¤u¨ã¶¡¤§Ãö«Y (Relationships among classical TRIZ tools)

n      Summary & Review


¥»½Òµ{´£¨ÑµÑ«ä(TRIZ) ª¾ÃÑÅé¨t¤§·§Æ[¡B¤u§@­ì²z¡BÀ³¥Î¹ê¨Ò¡B»P°ÝÃD¸Ñ¨M¼Ò¦¡¡A§¹¾ã»¡©úTRIZª¾ÃÑÅé¨t¤§¤º®e¡A¦U¤¸¥óÃö«Y¤Î¾Ç²ßTRIZª¾ÃÑÅé¨t¤§³~®|¡C¨Ã¶i¦Ó¥H²³æ¬yµ{ºt½mTRIZ«ä¦Ò¤âªk¡C¥»½Òµ{°w¹ï¨S¦³µÑ«ä­I´ºªÌ´£¨Ñ³Ì¨Î­I´º·Ç³Æ¥H¬°§Ö³t¦³®Ä¾Ç²ß«áÄò½Òµ{¤§²`«p°ò¦¡C

2007.12,16(Su) & 2007.12.17(M)






TRIZ Workshop-I


Technical Systematic Innovation Workshop

Breakthrough Product & Process Advances ¡V Beyond ¡¥Continuous Improvement¡¦

DAY 1 ¡V Defining The Situation


1)           Big Picture Overview

-          A helicopter-eye view of the whole of the methodology

-          Who, what, when, where, why of Systematic Innovation

2)           Ideal Final Result

-          Defining the ideal outcome of any product or process improvement situation

-          Identifying the conflicts between your ideal and the ideal of the customers

-          Effective long-term strategic planning.

3)           Resources

-          Identifying and exploiting the untapped resources in any system

-          Resource checklists

-          Resource management strategies

4)           Complexity Management

-          Complex system modeling tools

-          Eliminating harmful functions, improving insufficient and excessive functions

5)           Constraint Management

-          Strategies to identify, challenge, and manage constraints.

-          Using constraints to prove that a solution may be impossible

-          Managing Intangibles

6)           Contradiction Identification

-          Exploring the importance of conflicts/trade-offs/paradoxes in breakthroughs

-          Uncovering the fundamental dynamics of system evolution

-          Strategies for identifying conflicts and contradictions.


DAY 2 ¡V Generating Breakthrough Solutions


7)           Contradiction Elimination

-          The 40 known strategies for creating breakthrough business and technical solutions

-          4 separation strategies for eliminating contradictions

-          Someone, somewhere already solved your conflict problem ¡V tapping in to the strongest win-win solutions of the world¡¦s finest inventive minds.

-          Contradiction Matrix for business and technical problems

-          Systematic inventive thinking strategies.

8)           Trends of Evolution

-          Fundamentals of breakthrough innovation.

-          Top 20 step-change trends of technical system evolution.

-          Identifying the evolutionary potential and evolutionary limits of technical systems.

-          Predicting the next generation of your products and services.

-          Maximizing return on R&D and continuous improvement investment.

9)      Putting It All Together

-          A complete start-to-finish innovation process.

-          Implementation and buy-in strategies

-          Top Five points things that we will do differently after the workshop

-          Strategies for achieving tangible benefit in your company.

-          Delegate problem situations and case studies.


The human brain is designed to be much more effective at solving problems than defining them. Consequently, we often jump to premature conclusions about what a problem is and what we should do about it. During the first day of the workshop we focus on the problem definition tools found within Systematic Innovation and demonstrate how they will offer us a far stronger possibility of identifying the ¡¥right¡¦ thing to be focusing our solution generation efforts on.


During the second day of the workshop we will build on the situation definition work done during the first day and learn to use the main Systematic Innovation solution generation tools.


2007.12.18(T) & 2007.12.20(R)






TRIZ-Workshop 2



¡¥Advanced¡¦ Technical Systematic Innovation Workshop

Next Generation Products & Processes, Intellectual Property Implications And Opportunities


DAY 1 ¡V Defining The Situation


1)         Big Picture Overview

-          Why linear sequential processes don¡¦t work and what to do about it

-          Understanding how the human brain works

2)         The Untapped Voice Of The Customer

-          Defining the ideal attributes demanded by customers

-          Consumer and market trends ¡V an examination of some of the hundreds of known trend directions and why they often fail to match predictions

-          Breakthroughs happen when we solve trend conflicts.

3)         Where To Innovate

-          Defining the innovation space and time

-          Finding Blue Oceans That Will Remain Blue

-          ¡¥Red Team¡¦ analysis ¡V identifying which outsiders will invade your market

4)         Root Contradictions

-          Root Contradiction Analysis

-          Conflict Chains And Networks - when I solve one problem, which other ones does it also solve

5)         Complexity Management

-          Mapping fuzzy, ¡¥people¡¦ problems with missing/uncertain data.

-          Trend mapping ¡V identifying the key consumer and market trends that will affect the design of your products and processes

-          Managing the intangibles


DAY 2 ¡V More Breakthrough Solutions and Links With Other Methods

6)         More Trends

-          70 technical and business discontinuous evolution patterns

-          Trend hierarchies

-          System hierarchies ¡V trend mapping at macro and micro levels.

7)         S-Fields And Standard Solutions

-          - Modeling minimum viable systems

-          -76 Inventive Standards

8)         Psychological Inertia Tool

-          Smart Little People ¡V improving micro-level understanding of systems

-          Omega Life Views ¡V how the extremes of society define the new mainstream

-          Size-Time-Interface-Cost

9)         Patents

-          modeling patents

-          patent strengthening

-          technical alternatives

-          creating freedom to practice solutions

10)     Putting It All Together

-          a complete start-to-finish innovation process.

-          Start-to-finish case studies

-          Implementing innovation tools inside organizations ¡V an examination of strategies that work, and strategies that don¡¦t

-          Where do we go from here

This unique event will build on the tools and concepts taught in the first  workshop. However, it can also be taken independently. People with basic TRIZ background can benefit greatly from this advanced workshop. It offers delegates an opportunity to dig deeper into the TRIZ and Systematic Innovation toolkit in order to learn new tools and how best to apply the whole suite of tools to almost any kind of problem situation. A particular focus of the workshop is the rapidly accelerated pace of technical innovation and the increasing importance of generating and managing intellectual property.


This workshop is intended for delegates aiming to utilize TRIZ tools on a regular basis inside their organizations. Hence much of the content is focused on achievement of practitioner level skills.


During the second day of the workshop we will build on the situation definition work done during the first day and learn to use the main Systematic Innovation solution generation tools.



